Personalized Legal Advocacy Protecting Your Rights
Hello, I am attorney Chris Pianto. I started my work life as a construction laborer. I put myself through college working for a handyman then as a union apprentice, journeyman, foreman, and eventually as a superintendent. I worked and ran crews on skyscrapers, schools, and factories in and around Chicago until I was "offered" a one-third share of a commercial construction company only to discover that the owners through the help of a lawyer lied and tricked me into believing that I was going to own the very company that I transformed into an efficient and profitable company. I learned the hard way that the contract was not legal and those guys were not my friends. From that moment on, I decided that not only would I never get taken advantage of, but also, I would also do what I could to protect others from being taken advantage of. I went to law school and started gaining experience in criminal law in both the public defender's office and later at a district attorney's office. I joined a civil litigation firm where I was exposed to a vast and amazing variety of legal issues in state and federal trial and appellate courts. I worked my way up to becoming a partner and then realized that I needed to step it up a notch and start a law practice focused on individuals who were injured or killed at no fault of their own.
I have been fortunate enough to represent a variety of people, recover a lot of money, and improve the lives of many people who were hurt, lost loved ones, and or were cheated by those they trusted most. At this point in my career, I knew that I needed my law firm to focus on the injuries and harms of those who needed my help the most. Today, I am proud to offer informative, personal legal services that are customized for every client's case.
I strive to ensure that my clients know their options, the best course of recovery, and that they finally achieve some sense of normalcy in life after someone's negligence disturbed their comfort and security. I am not a "one-size-fits-all lawyer." No matter how many car crashes, disturbing personal injuries, and senseless wrongful deaths I handle, I know all too well that every case is unique and every client deserves to understand their predicament as there is always an insurance company or selfish human looking to take advantage of a person or situation for their benefit despite the harm and damage they caused. I remember being exploited and I will never allow that to happen to any of my clients.

Hiring an attorney is a very important decision. The information you obtain on this site is not, nor is it intended to be legal advice. You should consult an attorney for advice regarding your situation. Contacting me does not create an attorney-client relationship. Please do not send any confidential information to me until such time as an attorney-client relationship has been established.